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Teeth are an essential part of our normal functioning right from the smile, which is aesthetic, to chewing food which determines the overall health. The smallest of the dysfunction when it comes to teeth can have an overall effect on your health. Losing teeth is one such condition which affects a person mentally and moves on to tamper with the rest of the health too. It can be an accident or a bacterial infection thats caused one or multiple teeth loss. So, in any case there is a disruption thats occurred, one of the best solutions to get back your health and smile is to get Dental Implants.
Dental implants are long-lasting and function exactly like natural teeth. There is absolutely no trouble that youll face for cleaning and maintaining your dental implants. But then, there is something that can affect your dental implants. Wondering what it could be? Think about what holds your teeth. Your gums, the teeth bones and tissues, right?
When your gums are affected severely by a disease, it starts affecting your teeth adversely. Tooth loss is often associated with gum diseases, because the bacteria that spreads into the gum and bone tissues that hold your teeth firm. Gum diseases are a major reason for adult teeth loss and must be treated and dental implants are the best way to get back your teeth if you’ve already lost a few teeth. But, if youve already got dental implants and still develop a gum disease after that, you are at a risk of your gums losing the ability to hold your teeth in place. Lets see how.
As weve mentioned that periodontal diseases are most associated with loss of teeth, it is important to first rule out the chances of any gum diseases before you get dental implants fixed. Your Dentist will check if you are prone to any periodontal conditions, get that in control, and then go ahead with fixing your dental implants. This is to make sure that you dont end up losing teeth again.
So, heres how gum diseases can affect your dental implants.
So, if you are looking forward to getting dental implants, we recommend that you consult your dentist, and get yourself checked for any possibility of having gum diseases. If you already have dental implants and think you have a chance of developing a gum disease, watch for the symptoms, and get your gums fixed right now!
Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthodontics (Switzerland), Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthodontics (Switzerland). Chairman & CEO of Dr. Gowds Dental Hospital. If there had to be someone who can take credit for lakhs of smiling faces in Hyderabad, theres one person whos claim to fame it can be – Prof. Dr. Snigdha Gowd. Its the joy of making people smile without inhibitions that made her choose the field of dentistry over her other passions. This art and skill of creating beautiful smiles is in her genes. Spearheading Dr. Gowds Dental Hospital in Hyderabad, her idea behind transforming lives through corrected smiles and beautiful teeth is just a part of the bigger picture.