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Teeth stains are the discolouration of the teeth surface. It occurs when the surface of the tooth gets exposed to certain factors. The change in teeth can affect your whole image, and there are lot many people who are searching for best stain removal treatments to get rid of those stains.
Types of Tooth Discoloration (Stains)
Tooth discolorations are of 3 types, include:
What Causes Teeth Stains?
Teeth stain or discolouration of a tooth is a major factor that can have a significant effect on your teeth. Human teeth have no particular shade, and they undergo several variations. Numerous causes can affect your tooth colour. The following are the few causes listed for you:
Eatables and beverages: Tooth discolouration is usually caused by what you eat and drink. Certain drinks like coke, coffee, tea, and wines can cause your teeth to stain which often becomes permanent over time. Avoid foods and beverages containing artificial colours, chromogens, and dyes.
Here are the few foods and beverages that can stain your teeth:
Tobacco: Smoking and tobacco consumption are considered to be the major causes of yellowing of teeth. This is due to the presence of nicotine and tar deposits which can cause severe damage to teeth enamel. Nicotine is used in various products, such as:
Water: Teeth stains may appear when water containing higher amounts of fluoride is consumed regularly. However, it is most prevalent in people who consume high levels of fluoride regularly during childhood.
Age: Teeth stains may appear as you age. It is because the layer of teeth gets worn away and become darken or get spotty. The common reasons for ageing stains include:
Cleaning: Maintaining clean and plaque-free teeth can help you stay fresh. However, insufficient brushing after consuming food or beverages may also cause tooth stains.
Antibiotics: Certain medications such as certain blood pressure medications, antipsychotic medications, and antihistamines are reported to cause teeth discolouration in adults. This dental discolouration is common in children who have teeth that are still developing.
Genetics: Some people may have tooth stains because of several genetic factors, such as:
Diseases: Diseases affecting the hard surface of your teeth can also cause your teeth to stain. Specific treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy may also cause tooth discolouration.
Other Factors: Tooth decay, trauma, disease, and illness are the other factors that can affect the development of teeth enamel and causes stains on your teeth.
If you are concerned about your teeth, try to figure out the underlying cause behind your tooth discolouration. Because it can put you on the right treatment track. Brush and floss regularly and consider a trip to your dentist who can advise you with simple lifestyle changes that can help you prevent the teeth stains.